Results found for Hussein Obama | Eastern North Carolina Now

168 Results found for Hussein Obama

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Rocker Bruce Springsteen, a.k.a. "The Boss", will not perform in North Carolina as long as the state enacts legislation (HB 2) to protect children from being forced to use bathrooms and locker rooms with people of the opposite sex.
Rocker Bruce Springsteen, a.k.a. "The Boss", will not perform in North Carolina as long as the state enacts legislation (HB 2) to protect children from being forced to use bathrooms and locker rooms with people of the opposite sex.
American Democrats' first really cool president, Barack Hussein Obama, has now achieved near normalized relations with Communist, dictatorial Cuba.
American Democrats' first really cool president, Barack Hussein Obama, has now achieved near normalized relations with Communist, dictatorial Cuba.
Only in the headline nation of the storied western World, the only world of living creatures that we are fully aware of, can there will be an impending election of a possibly good People, where the election will be, inarguably, a political 'race to the bottom'.
Only in the headline nation of the storied western World, the only world of living creatures that we are fully aware of, can there will be an impending election of a possibly good People, where the election will be, inarguably, a political 'race to the bottom'.
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, appointed to the high court in 1986 by President Ronald Reagan, has died. Justice Scalia was well regarded as a principled Conservative, who understood the United States Constitution as our Founding blueprint to sustain the Republic.
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, appointed to the high court in 1986 by President Ronald Reagan, has died. Justice Scalia was well regarded as a principled Conservative, who understood the United States Constitution as our Founding blueprint to sustain the Republic.
Tethered in a warm embrace, this delicate waltz of Hillary B. and committed Democrats, may prove disastrous in 2016, and beyond for today's Socialist /Liberal.
Tethered in a warm embrace, this delicate waltz of Hillary B. and committed Democrats, may prove disastrous in 2016, and beyond for today's Socialist /Liberal.
The answer is probably both. And that should scare you, but not because Trump is a terrible person; he's not, just a terrible politician; however, the surreal and frightening aspect of Donald J. Trump is that he is a very good mirror, a high definition mirror.
The answer is probably both. And that should scare you, but not because Trump is a terrible person; he's not, just a terrible politician; however, the surreal and frightening aspect of Donald J. Trump is that he is a very good mirror, a high definition mirror.
Our Founding Fathers remind us that that the Constitution was subordinate to the Principles and Rights enshrined in our Declaration of Independence. The Individual trumps government.
Our Founding Fathers remind us that that the Constitution was subordinate to the Principles and Rights enshrined in our Declaration of Independence. The Individual trumps government.
The two front runners for their party's respective nominations both lost the bid, although former New York Senator tried to claim victory before she literally bolted from the Hawkeye state.
The two front runners for their party's respective nominations both lost the bid, although former New York Senator tried to claim victory before she literally bolted from the Hawkeye state.
The downing of Extortion 17 (carrying Seal Team 6 whose members are responsible for killing Osama bin Laden) is the tragic story of a massive government cover-up and/or gross negligence.
The downing of Extortion 17 (carrying Seal Team 6 whose members are responsible for killing Osama bin Laden) is the tragic story of a massive government cover-up and/or gross negligence.
The Hillary B. Clinton Election may be in crisis mode, but many who know the law know that Hillary B.'s campaign is little more than the 'walking dead'.
The Hillary B. Clinton Election may be in crisis mode, but many who know the law know that Hillary B.'s campaign is little more than the 'walking dead'.
And so it continues, and we should all be so proud of the "congressional adults" who passed spending legislation that will keep government open for the next 9 months without a congressional shutdown ... Or Should we?
And so it continues, and we should all be so proud of the "congressional adults" who passed spending legislation that will keep government open for the next 9 months without a congressional shutdown ... Or Should we?
America's first amateur president in modern times, while America's first community organizer, has discovered a great passion to attack Republicans, and 33 governors, rather than forge a plan to deal with this "Jayvee Team"; whose very existence is much of his own making.
America's first amateur president in modern times, while America's first community organizer, has discovered a great passion to attack Republicans, and 33 governors, rather than forge a plan to deal with this "Jayvee Team"; whose very existence is much of his own making.
Democrats, from their President to their presidential candidates, intend to welcome 100,000 Syrian refugees, a byproduct of the Obama/Clinton "Leading from Behind" Middle East doctrine, and ISIS sends their thanks.
Democrats, from their President to their presidential candidates, intend to welcome 100,000 Syrian refugees, a byproduct of the Obama/Clinton "Leading from Behind" Middle East doctrine, and ISIS sends their thanks.
The Democrats' president, Hussein Obama, is holding out a losing hope that the San Bernardino Attack would be yet another case of 'Workplace Violence'; like the his wrongful assessment of the Fort Hood Massacre, but he is wrong, so far, once again.
The Democrats' president, Hussein Obama, is holding out a losing hope that the San Bernardino Attack would be yet another case of 'Workplace Violence'; like the his wrongful assessment of the Fort Hood Massacre, but he is wrong, so far, once again.
Amateur Obama is in the City of Lights, smoozing with his contemporaries while "rebuking" the terrorist, and planning the way forward where America leads the world in defeating "those who would hijack a great, peaceful religion" by ending 'Climate Change/Global Warming'.
Amateur Obama is in the City of Lights, smoozing with his contemporaries while "rebuking" the terrorist, and planning the way forward where America leads the world in defeating "those who would hijack a great, peaceful religion" by ending 'Climate Change/Global Warming'.
It has been weeks of it; a culmination of years of it, and when does it end?
It was an address to reassure the nation, but only mostly reassured the core low-information variety of Democrats.
It was an address to reassure the nation, but only mostly reassured the core low-information variety of Democrats.
The much heralded Investigation of the Terrorist Attack resumes today, with Hillary B. Clinton testifying before the Benghazi Select Committee.
The much heralded Investigation of the Terrorist Attack resumes today, with Hillary B. Clinton testifying before the Benghazi Select Committee.
At the White House, November 24th, Obama meets with France President Francois Hollande, a fellow Socialist to our Hussein, and little was accomplished, other than Obama pledged America's undying friendship and that he is so 'looking forward to jetting off to the 150 nation summit of Climate Change'.
At the White House, November 24th, Obama meets with France President Francois Hollande, a fellow Socialist to our Hussein, and little was accomplished, other than Obama pledged America's undying friendship and that he is so 'looking forward to jetting off to the 150 nation summit of Climate Change'.
America's first Socialist President, Barrack Hussein Obama, did announce today, November 6, 2015, that he would use executive fiat to kill any chance of the Keystone Pipeline.
America's first Socialist President, Barrack Hussein Obama, did announce today, November 6, 2015, that he would use executive fiat to kill any chance of the Keystone Pipeline.
Hussein Obama wants to appear that he cares a little bit about fighting terror, but, mostly, he wants the World to rather know that he is doing it with one hand tied behind his back to be a good sport.
Hussein Obama wants to appear that he cares a little bit about fighting terror, but, mostly, he wants the World to rather know that he is doing it with one hand tied behind his back to be a good sport.
I take no responsibility for this post.It was forwarded to me in an email by another disillusioned patriot, but I want to be fair and balanced. I offer it for consideration as a new poll.
I take no responsibility for this post.It was forwarded to me in an email by another disillusioned patriot, but I want to be fair and balanced. I offer it for consideration as a new poll.
First, it was the Liberal, but not too sharp and not at all funny, women of The View, and then it was their messiah, Hussein Obama, stopping the Keystone Pipeline, and then attempting to explain that death truthfully.
First, it was the Liberal, but not too sharp and not at all funny, women of The View, and then it was their messiah, Hussein Obama, stopping the Keystone Pipeline, and then attempting to explain that death truthfully.
The "Jayvee Team", ISIS, as underplayed by American President Hussein Obama shortly after his Benghazi Cover-up was initiated, attacked multiple locations in Paris, France, killing many, wounding more.
The "Jayvee Team", ISIS, as underplayed by American President Hussein Obama shortly after his Benghazi Cover-up was initiated, attacked multiple locations in Paris, France, killing many, wounding more.
CNBC came to play for a political cage match, where the Republican presidential candidates, as the Democrat media wished, devour one another. then the CNBC moderators got their collective ass kicked.
CNBC came to play for a political cage match, where the Republican presidential candidates, as the Democrat media wished, devour one another. then the CNBC moderators got their collective ass kicked.
Ben Carson, a political neophyte, and former neurosurgeon, is proved to frighten hardened liberals, but the immutable question remains: Why?
Ben Carson, a political neophyte, and former neurosurgeon, is proved to frighten hardened liberals, but the immutable question remains: Why?
For the rest of us, who understand principled truth, Hillary has a rough road ahead, and, possibly, she did herself a great disservice in her FBI investigation, which may become a criminal investigation at some point for many reasons; too numerous to mention here.
For the rest of us, who understand principled truth, Hillary has a rough road ahead, and, possibly, she did herself a great disservice in her FBI investigation, which may become a criminal investigation at some point for many reasons; too numerous to mention here.
It was the only real question of the evening, and the answer is that all Democrat contenders are avowed Socialists except for one - Jim Webb of Virginia.
It was the only real question of the evening, and the answer is that all Democrat contenders are avowed Socialists except for one - Jim Webb of Virginia.
After a week of finding out that firm improvement on the economy is still in question, and the punctuation on the Obama Foreign Policy, its qualitative question answered long ago, firmly in place, this Amateur President is well measured.
After a week of finding out that firm improvement on the economy is still in question, and the punctuation on the Obama Foreign Policy, its qualitative question answered long ago, firmly in place, this Amateur President is well measured.
Hillary B. Clinton, the curator of the Benghazi Cover-up, now must face the proverbial music that began with much talk about that 'despicable video'.
Hillary B. Clinton, the curator of the Benghazi Cover-up, now must face the proverbial music that began with much talk about that 'despicable video'.
The easy answer is a demonstrative yes, but the better question is: Why has the Democrat party embraced Black Lives Matter as a co-equal in their proverbial "big tent"?
The easy answer is a demonstrative yes, but the better question is: Why has the Democrat party embraced Black Lives Matter as a co-equal in their proverbial "big tent"?
There are two sets of videos that are fully representative of today's Democrat Party making their appointed rounds, and, remarkably, at their core, well represents what it means to suffer from the condition known as Liberal
There are two sets of videos that are fully representative of today's Democrat Party making their appointed rounds, and, remarkably, at their core, well represents what it means to suffer from the condition known as Liberal
And let me tell you why. I know these guys, these politicians very well, all of them. It is part of what I do.
After more that 6 years of Amateur Obama's patent dishonesty and sophistry, the Democrats appear to want more of the same, or maybe worse with Hillary B. Clinton: Or do they?
After more that 6 years of Amateur Obama's patent dishonesty and sophistry, the Democrats appear to want more of the same, or maybe worse with Hillary B. Clinton: Or do they?
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